I probably have more guilty pleasures than I will ever admit, but to save my self-esteem and anyone's time who is actually reading this, I will will limit myself to just three.
Numero uno: the darkest chocolate with the least grams of sugar our grocery store carries. Ok, I will admit that current medical research has actually proved dark chocolate to be a not-really-that-guilty pleasure. They do after all say it is good for you. Of course what they mean is that one square here and there is good for you, or at least wont harm you. And every time I buy it, I convince myself that it will last for weeks because I will only eat one square at a time here and there. But come on, we all know what really happens...and yes I also admit that occasionally a spoonful of peanut butter gets in the way of the chocolate as it makes its way to its untimely death.
Number two: this one is beyond guilty, its flat out embarrassing! Yes, I occasionally fill my mind with this rubbish when Ryan has night class or has to work or study on a weekend. Shhh don't tell him, he doesn't know!
Number three: this one is probably pretty universal, and is often not so much a guilty pleasure but a desperate need. But here and there I do lounge around in bed after Ryan has gotten up with Caleb even if I am not tired simply because I want to, and am avoiding 17 million bazillion more important things I have to do. And no I definitely do not look like this while I sleep!
I am pretty sure Ryan would say my guilty pleasures are crying about everything and cleaning the house too much, but we wont go there in this post.
Cant wait to see what everyone else's guilty pleasure are!