Exhibit 1: Me, 34 weeks pregnant.
Shirt: TJ Maxx, non-maternity
Skirt: Homemade
Shoes: Thrifted, usually not a fan of second hand shoes (kinda grosses me out), but these were barely worn Steve Maddens that were $5!
Bracelet: Vintage, wore it for my wedding
Exhibit 2: Whale on a swing
Shirt: Old Navy Maternity
Shorts: TJ Maxx, non-maternity altered by me to be maternity
Shoes: Target years ago
Child too young to be on a real swing: Caleb
Exhibit 3 & 4: Me, about 30 weeks pregnant, at the beginning of my whale-hood.
Had to show the frontal view because it shows the fact that this skirt has pockets!
Shirt: Target Maternity
Skirt: Thrifted, altered by me
Shoes: Can't remember
Necklace: Homemade
Really terrible face I should have cropped out of photo: Homemade
Be thankful I spared you (actually mainly myself) the swimsuit pictures, which do exist despite my best efforts. All in all though I don't make a terrible looking whale right?
In other news, after 50 minutes of labor (yes you read that right, 50 minutes) my sister-in-law gave birth to a healthy baby boy today. That is boy number 4 for my brother and sister-in-law, and
grandson number 5 for my parents. Will my little mystery baby break the boy streak? Can't wait to find out!
Have a good week!