Monday, September 2, 2013

Maternity Monday-Nesting Edition

     I am 36 weeks! Only four more weeks to go (hopefully)! I have been nesting for a while, but the past few days I went from Humming Bird sized nesting to full on Golden Eagle sized nesting. There isn't a nook or cranny of this house I don't want to reorganize and clean.

     On my to do list was a dining room update. So out came the sewing machine. I haven't sewn since Caleb started walking, and discovered that sewing while he is awake is a desperate fight to keep both of us alive and unscarred. He wants to touch the hot iron, he wants to pull the hot iron down on himself, he wants the scissors and the pins and to push the backward button when I am trying to go forward. He also discovered the correlation between the foot pedal and the speed of the needle (complete with shrieks of glee). But I prevailed.

      The goal of my dining room makeover was to use things I already had around the house and to create a nice Fall centerpiece for the table. As I put it so eloquently to my husband, "don't worry I wont use too many monies we don't have."

Please note hideous dining room table I like to keep hidden at all times


Temporary centerpiece

Runner and pillow I made with fabric I already had
     The only item I didn't have was the wheat, which I need to get more of, and I am keeping my eye out for some little white pumpkins to add to the centerpiece. Ryan is also going to build me a long box out of scrap wood, so I can make my centerpiece look like this:
 Have a good week! Happy September!


  1. Great job! I love fall centerpieces! And little white pumpkins are sooo adorable! Keep up the good nesting.

  2. I forgot about the nesting phase! I like the fall theme a lot. Only problem with this post is no belly shot!
