Sunday, May 5, 2013

This Week in Caleb Land

A few photos of the little guy from this past week.

His latest accomplishment:
 Climbing onto the dishwasher the second you turn your back to get more dirty dishes.

Hangin with his pal Luisa:
They both wanted to use the walker. Unfortunately the rest of the pictures I took of them were terrible.

Breakfast this week:
Mangos! (And a few bananas.)

Mom's favorite:
Is there anything cuter than a baby in a onsie who also happens to have just woken up?


  1. I love the breakfast one! He looks so happy about his life!

  2. Adorable! I can't believe how big he and Luisa have gotten. And babies are just the sweetest when they've woken up.

  3. He is precious! Em, what size is he in now? Or is he moving into? I saw something id just love to send him :-)

  4. That is so nice of you Lucie! He is now in 9-12 month stuff. I have been buying 12 month mostly, its a little big but that way he can wear it longer.
